

connecting artistic practices and spaces by new media

Project seminar 2, Master Transdisziplinarity and Research Focus Transdisciplinarity
Teachers: Florian Dombois, Katja Gläss, Patrick Müller and guests

Goals / competences
Knowledge and reflection of distant learning / artistic practices
Experiences in communication processes over distance including not only speech, but also materialities, atmospheres and spatial elements.

We live in a distributed world. We have friends and colleagues here and there, and we connect with people from all over the world, almost daily. Digital technologies assist in this task, but when we study the technology critically, we have to admit, they allow best for the spoken and written word: mail, telephone, video conferencing. But, connecting objects and spaces is still missing, the dream of “Beam me up, Scotty” hasn’t become true. This causes hurdles especially for those disciplines, which centre around the domain of physical objects and experiences.
If we assume the arts to produce sense and to produce objects, we can ask: so how could artists connect their practices? And if we put a special focus on art schools, what could be done, to connect students in their practices and education?
The seminar sketches a connecting set-up between distant art schools and distant places. On the one hand we look into history and analyse good practice-examples from the artistic, design and related fields. On the other hand we test our own dispositives derived from our practices, our research and our own needs, partly together with students from Asia and the US.
Our distant partners are located in Cambridge Massachusetts (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT) and Hong Kong (School of Creative Media).


Full semester every Thursday afternoon, 13.30 to 16.45 GMT: 25.9., 2.10., 9.10., 16.10., 23.10., 30.10., 6.11., 20.11., 27.11., 4.12., 11.12., 18.12.2014

Part of the project seminar is a project week (10.-14. November); Project seminar and project week are attended both ideally, but can also be attended independently.