Replication is the basic motor of biological and social life. The Latin root of Replication is Plico, meaning to fold up or double up. Like…

Replication is the basic motor of biological and social life. The Latin root of Replication is Plico, meaning to fold up or double up. Like…
During this one-week intensive course we focused on theoretical and practical production of simulations. The class was introduced to and appropriated simulation methods from scientific predictive studies,…
Day 1, Monday 12.9_Destination destination Soundtrack: Would you like to disco? Soundtrack: Pof Pof _dancing without moving _dance for two for one _couple dancing for…
Day 1, Monday 12.9_ Destination Simulation is about traveling Traveling out of Here (- get me out of here! ) Traveling There, somewhere else… Through…
Day 1, Monday 12.9_Destination I want to build a place to leave hate A place to let it go away To not think of it…
Day 1, Monday 12.9_Destination “On June 12th 2015, I became someone. I wanna travel to that place in time to find out why.” Day…
Day 1, Monday 12.9_Destination: link: Fernando Palma in conversation with Malacchi Farrell In the olden days, the Chapultepec hill was entirely surrounded by water, it was…
Day 1, Monday 12.9_Destination The memory palace Day 2, Tuesday 13.9_Documentation Day 3, Wednesday 14.9_Relational Objects Object from the Other Side Days 4,5 Day 6,…
Day 1, Monday 12.9_Destination Into the mind of the other Day 2, Tuesday 13.9_Documentation Day 3, Wednesday 14.9_Relational Objects Days 4,5 Day 6, Saturday 17.9_Presentation_CounterSpace…
SCHOENWERK – network Remote Actualisation of a Fluxus Piece SCHOENWERK George Brecht & Robert Filliou (1926-1987) Schoenwerk (1976) Eine Rose wird (im Staffellauf) weitergegeben, während…
Bottled Message Digestion I Bottled Message Digestion II Bottled Message Digestion III
Day 1. Gregory Guillames L’Exentrique Receiving a message about a bottle is something totally different than receiving a message in a bottle. One should be…
Tuesday / 3.11 In his or her letter was written: An island is, where if you walk along its peripheral, you eventually find yourself back at…
Blogout Half Dog Windg
BREAK (Body) THIS GRID WITH YOUR BODY. Brauche ich ein Raster über das ich in Differenz meinen Körper definiere? Mir Regeln aufstellen, um aus diesen…
looking for the biggest living creature in europe Brain Extensions The futuristic gadget: With brain extension people can see the inside of your head, on…
Day 1: TASK: document the most “essentially” swiss experience in the 48 hours following arrival. Day 2: faster and faster and faster and faster Day…
“more meaningfull” – Cara Mitchell Leica laid her eyes on me.
Blogout Micro World. Bread landscape. Cloud Transformation Home breeze Location: Wind Tunnel Toni Areal Experiment: home simulation Bringing the inside…
This exhibition is to explore the possibility of online exhibition platform. The liquidity and convenience of network, is it suitable for art exhibitions? To review…