Syllabus and Schedule

ZHdK- Transdisciplinarity: Class- Remote Sensing:


This course focuses on the topic of Remote Sensing. Remote sensing extends the body of senses across vast geographic and temporal spaces in the attempt to “be in two places at once.” It is an umbrella term that draws together many scientific disciplines but has little precedence in the arts. This course will look at the history of remote sensing practices in the sciences, industry, and military and presents a tentative history of remote sensing in the arts.

During the course students will complete short works and assignments each representing a strategy for remote experience by varying proximities in time and space. Each student will produce a final project. We will also address practical issues related to logistics of international exhibiting. The course’s conceptual framework is open to a variety of performance, architecture, music, sculpture, drawing, writing, and web-based practices.

This course corresponds with one being taught by Prof. Gediminas Urbonas and Tobias Putrih at the MIT Program in Art, Culture, and Technology (ACT). Students may work with their peers 6014 km away. The MIT ACT underwent a move to a similar building as the Toni-Areal, this will be an architectural subtext to the course and possible collaborations. They may also develop collaboration of their own.


Each week students are expected to:

-Complete and present the previous weeks experiments on their personal blog page- even if not successful or brought to a finish.

-Complete the assigned readings.

-Each student should present a reading at least once in the semester.

-Attend the course. Three or more unexcused absences will result in failure. Professors may be notified ahead of absence.

-Complete a final project.


This course is taught by artist Haseeb Ahmed, member of the Size Matters research group at ZHdK and PhD candidate, with Prof. Florian Dombois and Prof. Patrick Muller. All instructors will conduct individual meetings with students.


Haseeb Ahmed:

Florian Dombois:

Patrick Mueller:

Class Times:

Project week:

Date: November 2- 6, 2015

Time: 9:15- 17:00

Regular Class Times:

Date: weekly on Thursdays November 12, 19, 26 and December 3, 10, and 17.

Time: from 13:30 to 16:45.


Class will extend to a maximum of 18:00 to accommodate special video conferencing sessions with Production of Space class at MIT on Tuesday, November 3, Thursdays, November 5, November 26, and December 10.


Master Trans Room (7.F03) unless otherwise announced


Classes will be taught in English and assignments are also expected to be in English.


Project week: 9:15- 17:00. Nov. 2- 6, 2015 (selected days extend up to 6:00 pm)

 Nov. 2, Day 1 Monday: Introduction/ Receiving and making Messages in a Bottle



-Visit to Connecting Spaces Opening.


-Introducing course plan and structure.

-Historical and theoretical background

-Introduction of MIT collaboration and Gediminas and Production of Space Class.




-Lecture and reading in class: Message in a Bottle, Adorno


-In class experiment:

Realize and document the Message in a Bottle from MIT- each do all.

Create a message in a bottle to be sent to MIT.

: Prepare and upload documentation from each.

Nov. 3, Day 2 Tuesday: Near-Sighted


-In class preparation for the day, completion of previous day if needed.


-5 minute presentation by each student of previous assignment


-Connecting Spaces Concert by Kaspar Konig


-Lecture and in-class reading on Medical Imaging and Microscopy: Donna Haraway, “A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-

Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century,”




-In-class Experiment:

-Conceive and execute an artwork or action to be seen at a distance of 10 cm or less. Digital Microscope will be available for use.

: Prepare and upload documentation from each.


Coffee break.


-Send Message in a Bottle 16:30 via email and Tunnel videoconference introduction with MIT.

 Nov. 4, Day 3 Wednesday: Far-Sighted


-In class preparation for the day, completion of previous day if needed.


-5 minute presentation by each student of previous assignment


-In Class Lecture and Reading: Trevor Paglen, “Operational Images”




-In-class Experiment:

Conceive and execute an artwork or action to be seen at a distance of 1 km.

: Prepare and upload documentation from each.

Nov. 5, Day 4 Thursday: Wind Tunnel Worlds


-In class preparation for the day, completion of previous day if needed.


-5 minute presentation by each student of previous assignment


– Introduction to History of Wind Tunnels and Simulation

– In Class Experiment:

Conceive of and construct a model to simulate an environment in the Size Matter Wind Tunnel.




-Continue in class experiment


Coffee break.


-Review of Message in a Bottle 16:30 with Tunnel videoconference MIT.

Nov. 6, Day 5 Friday: Future-Past-Time


-In class preparation for the day, completion of previous day if needed.


-5 minute presentation by each student of previous assignment


-In Class Lecture and Reading: Svetlana Boym, The Future of Nostalgia.




-Guest Psychic- each student will have a reading of the work they will make.

-In-class Experiment:

-Conceive and execute an artwork or action made to be seen by an audience in the distant future or Past.

-Stop by finnisage of Long Distance Laboratory starting at 3:00 in gallery.

: Prepare and upload documentation from each.


– Make a proposal for final project that makes use of one or more of the strategies explored during the project week.

-Bring and object you would like to 3D scan and print- it can be made or found.

-Create and upload documentation of experiment.

-Reading Assignment: Additivist Manifesto.

Normal class time begins 1:30-4:30 pm Thursdays.

Week 2 Nov. 12: Remote Fabrication: 3D Scanning and Printing.

-5 minute presentation by each student of assignment (final projects)

-Presentation of text by student

-In-class Experiment:

-3D-scan the objects that students have brought. We will become acquainted with scanning and modeling software and printing services.

-Reading Assignment: Keller Easterling, Extrastatecraft

– Assignment:

-Use 3D print hubs to print out your scanned model.

-Create and upload documentation of experiment.

 Nov. 19, Week 3: Infrastructure artworks.

-Presentation of text by student

-5 minute presentation of each student of previous assignment

-In-class Experiment:

-Use an existing infrastructure like sewer systems, phone lines, HVAC ducts, rivers, train lines, airplane travel to create a networked artwork.

-Assignment: Develop an artwork that should exist in two places at once- site: Cambridge- MIT communicate it with your Assigned partner at MIT.

Nov. 26, Week 4: Concurrent MIT works.

-5 minute presentation of each student of previous assignment

-Presentation of text by student

– In-class: realization of the artwork that should exist in 2 places at on via video feed.

-MIT video conferencing 16:30.


-Work on final projects.

-Reading assignment: W.A.G.E, Online Digital Artwork and the status of the “Based-in” Artist, E-Flux

Dec. 3, Week 5: In class work of final project

-5 minute presentation of each student of previous assignment

-Presentation of text by student.

-In Class: Work on final projects. Determine media needs and locations for seeing and communicate them


-Work on final projects.

-Document and post process.

Dec. 10, Week 6: Final project

-5 minute presentation of each student of previous assignment

-In Class: Work on final projects.

– Check in With MIT Gediminas Class 16:30


-Document and post process.

-Work on final projects. Install artworks.

Dec. 17, Week 7: Final Project

                  -Presentation of Final project