Simulations & Traveling without Moving 12.-17. Sept. 2016

During this one-week intensive course we focused on theoretical and practical production of simulations. The class was introduced to and appropriated simulation methods from scientific predictive studies, professional training, and entertainment for artistic use. Each session of the course introduced a type of simulation, included a practical experiment, and worked towards a final production of a simulation by each student which could also be collaborative.

While simulation can invoke ideas of high-technology Haseeb Ahmed and Eirini Sourgiadaki asked students to consider how can language be used as a tool to invoke, suggest, and create imaginative contexts which are then substantiated through material experiences. Can spaces be written? If so in which ways? We introduced excerpts from science fiction and creative non-fiction as examples. “Memory errors” enable people to recall memories of events that we have never happened, things we have never experienced, times we have never lived, places we have never been. This is a primary experience connected to feelings that are then followed by concept formation. It is this emotive capacity in memory that we used in the creation of our simulations in this course.

Highlights of the Seminar week & links to guests


Guest: Lorenz Troll

Agora interactive documentary –presentation in class





Visit to the Archeological Collection (University of Zurich)

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Visit to the Birdly prototype, ZHdK -demo by Max Rheiner

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A virtual approach in the union of Mathematics, Philosophy and Art using Brain to Computer interfaces and Virtual Reality toolsets

skype presentation by John Bardakos (PhD candidate in Paris8)



Traveling through Hypnosis

Skype session with Richard John Andritsopoulos

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Exhibition – Final presentation @ CounterSpace Zürich


“Today we will land, but in many more places than one. Simulations, souvenirs and teleporters will be presented by participants of the Simulations course in the Transdisciplinarity Department at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). The course is taught by Haseeb Ahmed and Eirini Sourgiadaki.”


Simulators’ Destination Index:


An Other’s MindFabian Gutscher (performance)


IntimacySimone Mutti (performance)


Before it all startedLydia Zimmermann (installation)


Dominic Oppliger’s FatherhoodDominic Oppliger (performance)


Fin‎éRada Leu & Peter Tränkle  (performance)


Destino FinalDiana Lira & Juan Mauricio Schmid Bello (sound installation, intervention in public space)


Anima – Rada Leu (video installation)


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