Zimmermann Lydia
Day 1, Monday 12.9_ Destination
Simulation is about traveling
Traveling out of Here (- get me out of here! )
Traveling There, somewhere else…
Through images
Creating images that makes us see what is not here, but there in our imagination.
What do you see?

Ashes cover the ground in a forest burnt by a wildfire, near a village in Patras, on July 19, 2012. Over 170 firefighters, assisted by volunteers and 60 firetrucks, were struggling during the night to contain the blaze in the region. AFP / Angelos Tzortzinis
You see Death but also, somehow, you see (the vital force of) FIRE…
Fire is not in the image but seing a picture of a burned forest, somewhere in my brain, FIRE is projected.
Dreaming is the mind projecting. Dreaming is the way the body responds to this desire of being taken away from Here (Here meaning the rational, known, ruled world).
But how to communicate Dreaming?
Is it about Experiencing or about Communicating the Experience?
Communication, is it a first need or does it come as a result of an experience?
Taking the phrase from Foucault, THE BODY IS THE ZERO POINT OF THE WORLD, it is where the story starts, where the experience to be communicated begins.
• So, if this is about the wish to be SOMEWHERE ELSE, the question that follows is:
– Yes, but WHERE?
– Well, before it all started, before all the learning started…
The Womb as a Time Traveling machine
• What do I know about the Womb?
That it is warm, liquid, comfortable
That it is a very rich sound environment
It is an interactive space that grows as you do
Where you can move inside
Out of gravity
As an astronaut in space….
• What do i imagine about being in the Womb ?
I imagine pleasure.
Day 2, Tuesday 14.9_Documentation
Day 3, Wednesday 14.9_Relational Object
Days 4,5
Day 6, Saturday 17.9_Presentation_CounterSpace Zürich
Simulation: Before it all started
the big bang looping, a baby-step on the moon and an oversized pair of shoes to try on