Boundary Work


von Franziska Kabisch 7-Kanal-Installation, mit Film “Podium”, 50:00 min, HD, Farbe, Stereo, 2014/15  Was konstituiert einen Experten? Und was passiert, wenn eine Expertin über andere spricht? Wer profitiert vom Konzept des Experten? Und wer nicht? Podium zeigt eine Diskussion mit sechs Teilnehmenden, die sich jedoch nie auf dem Podium begegnet sind. Statt an einem Abend…

SAR : Society for Artistic Research

SAR 2019 in Zurich, reading contributions : Main website : “The Society for Artistic Research (SAR) is a non-profit organization that nurtures, connects and disseminates artistic research as specific practices of creating knowledge and insight. SAR facilitates a range of encounters for its community of artistic practitioners in the pursuit of transformative understanding that impacts…

Death of a Discipline – SPIVAK

CHAPTER 1 CROSSING BORDERS  Since 1992, three years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the discipline of comparative literature has been looking to renovate itself. This is presumably in response to the rising tide of multiculturalism and cultural studies. The first pages of Charles Bernheimer’s Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism tell a story that…

künstlerische Taktik am Beispiel “unfriendly takeover”

“unfriendly takeover” war ein Kurator*innen-Kollektiv von 2000-2007 aus sieben Mitgliedern aus Bildender Kunst, Design und Kunst- und Theaterwissenschaften, sowie der Philosophie. (alle folgenden markierten Textabschnitte stammen von dieser Homepage) “Eine [unfreundliche Übernahme] ist keine Guerilla-Aktion, keine kulturmilitärische Strategie. Und dennoch Taktik: Der [temporäre Takeover] eines anderen, eines fremden Ortes, einer fremden Struktur, eines fremden…


A soon-to-be-realized initiative that could definitely become a place for transdisciplinary projects connecting arts, culture and society in a community-focused way: PROZESS ist ein in seiner Art einzigartiger Ort in der Stadt Bern und versteht sich als Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Gesellschaft. PROZESS ist ein Ort, an dem Kunst produziert, aufgeführt und zeitgleich von…

Pigeon Blog (SF)

“… what is brought into existence are the relations by which– pigeons transform men into talented pigeon fanciers and by whichthe fanciers transform the pigeons into reliable racing pigeons.”(Vinciane Despret quoted in Haraway) The art activism project called “Pigeon-Blog” was a project by artist-researcher Beatriz da Costa with her students Cina Hazegh and Kevin Ponto…

an unhappy archive «An Unhappy Archive» versammelt künstle­rische und aktivistische Arbeiten wie Fotografien, Videos, Bücher, Zeichnungen und Malerei, die die gesellschaftlichen Normen von «happiness» infrage stellen. Der Begriff geht auf die Theoretikerin Sara Ahmed zurück, die «unglückliche Archive» als ein kollek­tives, feministisch-queeres und anti­rassistisches Projekt beschreibt. Dieses will nicht nur Gesellschaftskritik und Widerständigkeit voranbringen, sondern auch das…

forensic architecture

collective as an example of transdisciplinary work – brackground of members from various fields – output on different levels but always discovering human rights violations with artistic strategies: (following text copied from homepage:) Forensic Architecture (FA) is a research agency, based at Goldsmiths, University of London. We undertake advanced spatial and media investigations into…

Agential Realism

“How can the possibility of the queerness of one of the most pervasive of all critters – atoms – be entertained? These “ultraqueer” critters with their quantum quotidian qualities queer queerness itself in their radically deconstructive ways of being. The aim is to show that all sorts of seeming impossibilities are indeed possible, including the…

les complices Les Complices* is a self organised space and production office located in Zurich. Exhibitions, projects and events initiated and hosted by Les Complices* are situated in and between the fields of contemporary arts, theatre and film, critical theory and activist practice. Beside the more longterm activities a dense program of discussions, workshops, performances, publication…

OOR – OnesOwnRoom ZH OOR Saloon ist ein Veranstaltungs- und Produktionszusammenhang in Zürich und organisiert regelmässig kollaborative Audio-Formate, Konzerte, Diskussionen, Workshops, DJ Lectures, Sonic Lectures, Listening-Formate, Releases und Performances und arbeitet mit Vorliebe in vielseitigen Kollaborationen und Kombinationen. Die OOR Saloon Veranstaltungen interessieren sich für Politiken von Sound und dem emanzipatorischen Potenzial des sonischen Raums und bewegen sich…

Center of possible studies

The Serpentine Gallery’s Edgware Road Project brings together artists, residents, shop-owners and others to investigate, activate and imagine futures for the Edgware Road. . International artists are collaborating closely with the neighbourhood through a series of residencies, commissions and exhibitions to explore and celebrate the history, cultures and experiences of the many communities centred on…

Sensory Ethnography Lab (SEL)

The Sensory Ethnography Lab (SEL) is an experimental laboratory that promotes innovative combinations of aesthetics and ethnography. It uses analog and digital media, installation, and performance, to explore the aesthetics and ontology of the natural and unnatural world. Harnessing perspectives drawn from the arts, the social and natural sciences, and the humanities, SEL encourages attention…


Some gathered information about sociocracy – I think the concept it is very well suitable for transdisciplinary work / teams and is strongly related to hybrid fora. What is Sociocracy? A social ideal that values equality and the rights of people to determine the conditions under which they live and work, and An effective method…


(aus meiner Stichwort-Sammlung zur genaueren Untersuchung und Recherche freigegeben) Gegenentwurf zur Baumtheorie -> Baum funktioniert hierarchisch (einseitige Abhängigkeit, einseitiger Auf-bau von nicht sichtbaren Wurzeln, Stamm, Ästen, Zweigen, Blättern) und denkt zentriert (westliches Denkmodell ?) -> Rhizom ist ein flaches Wurzelgeflecht unter oder über der Erde, besteht aus vielen Knotenpunkten und ihren Verbindungen, kein Zentrum ersichtlich,…


(aus meiner Stichwort-Sammlung zur genaueren Untersuchung und Recherche freigegeben) Untersuchung des Begriffs nach den Philosophen Gilles Deleuze und Félix Guattari, sowie dessen Analyse der Philosophin Jane Benett in Bezug auf die Aktivität von Materialität: eine Assemblage als nicht-statisch oder -endlich, sondern als ein unendliches Kollektiv, Bewegung als Konzept/Motiv mögliche Literatur: Deleuze, Gilles und Guattari, Félix:…


Heterospaces is a concept elaborated by philosopher Michel Foucault to describe certain cultural, institutional and discursive spaces that are somehow ‘other’: disturbing, intense, incompatible, contradictory or transforming. Heterotopias are worlds within worlds, mirroring and yet upsetting what is outside. Foucault provides examples: ships, cemeteries, bars, brothels, prisons, gardens of antiquity, fairs, Muslims baths and many more.

The Production of Space – Henri Lefebvre

The Production of Space is Lefebvre’s most influential work in the English speaking context. The book itself takes in a vast array of ‘disciplines’ and the whole time it is informed by the “project of a different society, a different mode of production, where social practice would be governed by different conceptual determinations” (Lefebvre, 1991:419). Seeking to…

Planetary Urbanisation

The idea of ‘Planetary Urbanisation’ was first theorised by Lefebvre (1970) through his work on ‘The Urban Revolution’, whereby the post-industrial explosion of urban society globally would create ‘complete urbanism’ worldwide and conceptualizations of the urban were needed to explain society itself. The stretching of social networks with an increase in megacities creates an urban…

When Species Meet (Donna Haraway’s concept of “The Figure”)

Figures help me grapple inside the flesh of mortal world-making entanglements that I call contact zones. The Oxford English Dictionary records the meaning of “chimerical vision” for “figuration” in an eighteenth-century source, and that meaning is still implicit in my sense of figure. Figures collect the people through their invitation to inhabit the corporal story…


Erfordert ist zuallererst, sich nicht auf einzelne Experimente zu kaprizieren, sondern bestimmte Experimentalanordnungen oder «Experimentalsysteme» als kleinste vollständige Arbeitseinheiten in den Blick zu fassen: Verkörperungen von bestimmten technischen Fertigkeiten, bereits vorausgesetztem Wissen, Vermutungen über zu produzierende Phänomene und die ihnen zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen. Experimentalsysteme sind Materialisierungen von Fragen und als solche «Maschinen zur Herstellung von…


(Concept by the biologist Donna J. Haraway from Staying with the Trouble. Making kin in the Chthulucene as a suggestion of a metaphor or symbol for the consideration and definition of objects, things, bodies of thought, models, method (?) etc.): is translated with creature / reptile (german transl.: Viech/ Kreatur/ Kriechtier/ Kriecher) and stands as…

epistemic thing – example

Paulo de Assis about the epistemic thing in musical performance: “If we require the performance to be an idealized act of interpretation … we take away the possibility for epistemic things to emerge or to unfold into unforeseen dimensions … If we want to give credibility to performance as an instance, among others, of epistemic…

actor constellation

If an actor were dealing exclusively with a natural or otherwise given environment, then a complete description of that actor’s perceptions, preferences and capabilities would allow us to infer the course of action that likely to be chosen – and a complete description of the environment and its casual laws would allow us to predict…

informed dissent / proactive idiocy

Initial definition: The concept of proactive idiocy is one that acknowledges the openness and unpredictability of everyday objects and their potential to trigger reflection in the researcher. When objects “misbehave” – when they behave unexpectedly – they can be understood as being an “idiot object.” In Speculative Design, the “idiot object” can be used as…


Crossmapping superimposes item A onto item B and item B onto item A, revealing a bidirectional relationship between the two items. These “items” can be virtually anything: works from different disciplines (transmedial), works from the same disciplines and across different time periods (transhistorical), ecosystems across different continents (transpatial), people from different cultures (transcultural), etc. By…

traveling concepts

Nomadic concepts – also and perhaps better known as “travelling concepts” – are a heuristic tool and analytical practice for communicating across disciplinary, professional and cultural boundaries through discussing and opposing different understandings and uses of concepts such as identity, space or emotion. It could thus also be called a translation tool. It was first…

experimental system

Experimental system is the small functional part of a research. The aim of having it is to answer specific questions related to the research. Although it brings answers, it asks also new questions and therefore they causes an ‘inconcludable game’. It is also mentioned that an experiment must always give an undiscovered outcome or something…

hybrid fora

The concept of hybrid forums is closely linked to the theory of the third space by Homi K. Bhabha. In this theory, Bhabha designs the third space as a place of constant exchange and negotiation of cultural phenomena. Thus, the attempt to interpret cultural identity becomes an endless transformative process that leads to the dissolution…

boundary object

boundary objects Sabine Maasen schreibt in ihrem Essay “Collaborating In and Beyond Science — Obstacles and (Somewhat Surprising) Opportunities” über boundary objects: “A boundary object is both a product and a mediator of multiple interaction needed enable productive cooperation among various social worlds without taking away their differences in perspective.” Bei dieser Beschreibung musste ich an…

SF: string figures / speculative fabulation

v. 1.2 The concept of string figures is introduced in: Donna Jeanne Haraway, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Experimental Futures: Technological Lives, Scientific Arts, Anthropological Voices (Durham: Duke University Press, 2016). If not mentioned otherwise, the references and quotes in this post are referencing above publication. Bold and italic font-styles in…

epistemic thing

The “epistemic thing” is the object of investigation during the research process, which can develop to become a “technical object” over the course of the investigation, therefore becoming something that can be used to research other “epistemic things”. The boundary between “epistemic thing” and “technical object” is not static and identifying something as either or…

trading zones

According to Galison, “Two groups can agree on rules of exchange even if they ascribe utterly different significance to the objects being exchanged; they may even disagree on the meaning of the exchange process itself. Nonetheless, the trading partners can hammer out a local coordination, despite vast global differences. In an even more sophisticated way,…

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