Boundary Work

Category: hybrid fora

künstlerische Taktik am Beispiel “unfriendly takeover”

“unfriendly takeover” war ein Kurator*innen-Kollektiv von 2000-2007 aus sieben Mitgliedern aus Bildender Kunst, Design und Kunst- und Theaterwissenschaften, sowie der Philosophie. (alle folgenden markierten Textabschnitte stammen von dieser Homepage) “Eine [unfreundliche Übernahme] ist keine Guerilla-Aktion, keine kulturmilitärische Strategie. Und dennoch Taktik: Der [temporäre Takeover] eines anderen, eines fremden Ortes, einer fremden Struktur, eines fremden…

Sensory Ethnography Lab (SEL)

The Sensory Ethnography Lab (SEL) is an experimental laboratory that promotes innovative combinations of aesthetics and ethnography. It uses analog and digital media, installation, and performance, to explore the aesthetics and ontology of the natural and unnatural world. Harnessing perspectives drawn from the arts, the social and natural sciences, and the humanities, SEL encourages attention…


Some gathered information about sociocracy – I think the concept it is very well suitable for transdisciplinary work / teams and is strongly related to hybrid fora. What is Sociocracy? A social ideal that values equality and the rights of people to determine the conditions under which they live and work, and An effective method…


Crossmapping superimposes item A onto item B and item B onto item A, revealing a bidirectional relationship between the two items. These “items” can be virtually anything: works from different disciplines (transmedial), works from the same disciplines and across different time periods (transhistorical), ecosystems across different continents (transpatial), people from different cultures (transcultural), etc. By…

hybrid fora

The concept of hybrid forums is closely linked to the theory of the third space by Homi K. Bhabha. In this theory, Bhabha designs the third space as a place of constant exchange and negotiation of cultural phenomena. Thus, the attempt to interpret cultural identity becomes an endless transformative process that leads to the dissolution…

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