Category: informed dissent / proactive idiocy
crossmapping, epistemic thing, examples, figures, informed dissent / proactive idiocy, interactional expertise, perspectives, string figures / speculative fabulation, third space, trading zones
les complices Les Complices* is a self organised space and production office located in Zurich. Exhibitions, projects and events initiated and hosted by Les Complices* are situated in and between the fields of contemporary arts, theatre and film, critical theory and activist practice. Beside the more longterm activities a dense program of discussions, workshops, performances, publication…
(inter)personal perspectives, boundary object, crossmapping, examples, informed dissent / proactive idiocy, interactional expertise, string figures / speculative fabulation, third space, trading zones
OOR – OnesOwnRoom ZH OOR Saloon ist ein Veranstaltungs- und Produktionszusammenhang in Zürich und organisiert regelmässig kollaborative Audio-Formate, Konzerte, Diskussionen, Workshops, DJ Lectures, Sonic Lectures, Listening-Formate, Releases und Performances und arbeitet mit Vorliebe in vielseitigen Kollaborationen und Kombinationen. Die OOR Saloon Veranstaltungen interessieren sich für Politiken von Sound und dem emanzipatorischen Potenzial des sonischen Raums und bewegen sich…
(inter)personal perspectives, concepts, informed dissent / proactive idiocy
informed dissent / proactive idiocy
Initial definition: The concept of proactive idiocy is one that acknowledges the openness and unpredictability of everyday objects and their potential to trigger reflection in the researcher. When objects “misbehave” – when they behave unexpectedly – they can be understood as being an “idiot object.” In Speculative Design, the “idiot object” can be used as…