Raoul Schrott
Category: transaction spaces
examples, hybrid fora, interactional expertise, methods, spatial perspective, transaction spaces
künstlerische Taktik am Beispiel “unfriendly takeover”
“unfriendly takeover” war ein Kurator*innen-Kollektiv von 2000-2007 aus sieben Mitgliedern aus Bildender Kunst, Design und Kunst- und Theaterwissenschaften, sowie der Philosophie. http://www.unfriendly-takeover.de/about.htm (alle folgenden markierten Textabschnitte stammen von dieser Homepage) “Eine [unfreundliche Übernahme] ist keine Guerilla-Aktion, keine kulturmilitärische Strategie. Und dennoch Taktik: Der [temporäre Takeover] eines anderen, eines fremden Ortes, einer fremden Struktur, eines fremden…
crossmapping, epistemic thing, examples, figures, informed dissent / proactive idiocy, interactional expertise, methods, perspectives, string figures / speculative fabulation, third space, trading zones, transaction spaces
(inter)personal perspectives, crossmapping, examples, interactional expertise, perspectives, string figures / speculative fabulation, third space, transaction spaces
Center of possible studies
The Serpentine Gallery’s Edgware Road Project brings together artists, residents, shop-owners and others to investigate, activate and imagine futures for the Edgware Road. . International artists are collaborating closely with the neighbourhood through a series of residencies, commissions and exhibitions to explore and celebrate the history, cultures and experiences of the many communities centred on…
concepts, spatial perspective, third space, trading zones, transaction spaces
transaction spaces
‘Practiced places’ (which can be fluid) where different knowledge producers come together. Ideally, these must be “safe spaces,” which are shared, open, autonomous, dynamic, reflective, and allow room for unpredictability. Resource: Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Sustainability Outcomes | Dena Fam, Jane Palmer, Chris Riedy, Cynthia Mitchell