Boundary Work

Category: spatial perspective

künstlerische Taktik am Beispiel “unfriendly takeover”

“unfriendly takeover” war ein Kurator*innen-Kollektiv von 2000-2007 aus sieben Mitgliedern aus Bildender Kunst, Design und Kunst- und Theaterwissenschaften, sowie der Philosophie. (alle folgenden markierten Textabschnitte stammen von dieser Homepage) “Eine [unfreundliche Übernahme] ist keine Guerilla-Aktion, keine kulturmilitärische Strategie. Und dennoch Taktik: Der [temporäre Takeover] eines anderen, eines fremden Ortes, einer fremden Struktur, eines fremden…


A soon-to-be-realized initiative that could definitely become a place for transdisciplinary projects connecting arts, culture and society in a community-focused way: PROZESS ist ein in seiner Art einzigartiger Ort in der Stadt Bern und versteht sich als Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Gesellschaft. PROZESS ist ein Ort, an dem Kunst produziert, aufgeführt und zeitgleich von…


Crossmapping superimposes item A onto item B and item B onto item A, revealing a bidirectional relationship between the two items. These “items” can be virtually anything: works from different disciplines (transmedial), works from the same disciplines and across different time periods (transhistorical), ecosystems across different continents (transpatial), people from different cultures (transcultural), etc. By…

traveling concepts

Nomadic concepts – also and perhaps better known as “travelling concepts” – are a heuristic tool and analytical practice for communicating across disciplinary, professional and cultural boundaries through discussing and opposing different understandings and uses of concepts such as identity, space or emotion. It could thus also be called a translation tool. It was first…

experimental system

Experimental system is the small functional part of a research. The aim of having it is to answer specific questions related to the research. Although it brings answers, it asks also new questions and therefore they causes an ‘inconcludable game’. It is also mentioned that an experiment must always give an undiscovered outcome or something…

hybrid fora

The concept of hybrid forums is closely linked to the theory of the third space by Homi K. Bhabha. In this theory, Bhabha designs the third space as a place of constant exchange and negotiation of cultural phenomena. Thus, the attempt to interpret cultural identity becomes an endless transformative process that leads to the dissolution…

trading zones

According to Galison, “Two groups can agree on rules of exchange even if they ascribe utterly different significance to the objects being exchanged; they may even disagree on the meaning of the exchange process itself. Nonetheless, the trading partners can hammer out a local coordination, despite vast global differences. In an even more sophisticated way,…

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