becoming signs — traces of a picture as given informations
consume, capitalism, very early morning before the night lights go out, grey, die Grauen Herren, time
cracks, bends, rub off
reflections, shadows
surface, lines, dots, glow, crash
[frame one]
Grey line
Left to right
lot of blue
Grey line
lot of blue in
Parellel to the other
reinforced at the end
Wall hook
lot of blue in
Well painted
weather untouched
Diagonal opposite
Sky reflections
Grey sky
blue in
nowhere sun
morning or
a cloudy day
glass tiles
remind on old industry use
Light transparent
Light reflections in
Blue toned
not the glas itself
from picture maybe
camera's white adjusted
so the weather
On the ground: chewing-gum/oil/rain/crumbs
Black trace: what is it coming from? Bycycle wheel?
Neighborhood: luxuous/rich area?
leaving something “laisse rune trace”
a clue / a hint
refers to the past
visible / invisible (to be marked by something)
I will start at the bottom
I concentrate on traces I can see
round sticks of gum on the concrete
I see traces of dirt like something has been rolled inside the building – I see the automatic door opening in the wrong direction
I see bumped lines in the metal, like the ones you would make with keys on the body of a car – I wonder where those are coming from, who has caused them with what and whether it went noticed or not, it probably went noticed, making an awful sound like ta a chalk stick squealing on the blackboard – just worse – my teeth aches at the thought
Further on the right I see the black lines on the lined wall, or rather strokes, reminding me of a charcoal sketch – and here again I wonder which hand has drawn it, it wasn’t an hand of course, I know it was a skateboard and did the skateboarder knew he was drawing these lines when drawing them – he probably did not think the least of it – and where the strokes made by the rolls or by the board itself? I guess the rolls but actually I have no clue – this is imagination pure.
I leave aside recognizable signs – the number 4, the letters, there are many, on the signs, on the glass guardrail – or whatever it is called – actually it now strikes me that all letters are logos on this picture, which irritates me a bit, in the English sense of annoying me, for some reason
Time is running so one last thing: I like the line running between the lines on the white wall above the door: it kind of looks like a crack or a fissure but it could also be the different layers of paint or a hazardous drawing of time waiting for a reader to be perceived, and read – deciphered with no words
Hintereingang/Personaleingang einer Bank und eines Bekleidungsgeschäfts oder einer Mall, also vielleicht Nebenstrasse einer Einkaufsstrasse
Eingangsbereich (evtl. Mitarbeitereingang) der Bank sieht vernachlässigt aus, also nicht repräsentativ: viele, auch alte Kaugummis auf dem Boden, Spuren und Dreck von Personen die ein- und ausgehen, Spuren an der Wand von Fahrrädern o.ä., die dort regelmässig stehen, oder von Personen, die dort Sport- oder Freizeitaktivitäten nachgehen.
Evtl. sind diese Spuren zur gleichen Zeit Ausdruck eines Widerstands gegen Erscheinungen eines kapitalistischen Systems, die auch als Symbole funktionieren.
In der Mitte auf 1/3 der Bildhöhe: Schlieren von Skateboardrädern auf dunklerem Grund als der Rest der Sichtbetonmauer: womöglich mussten da schon andere "Schmierereien " überdeckt werden. Auf dem Boden: glänzende Perlen: Glassplitter? Nicht ersichtlich von wo sie stammen, kein weiterer Hinweis auf Glasschäden auf dem Bild. Ebenfalls auf dem Boden vor dem Eingang: Dreck: Der Eingang wird also benutzt, oder ward seid langem nicht mehr geputzt.