Day: February 20, 2014

Cities of Desire

This catalogue is produced together with ‘Cities of Desire: Vienna – Hong Kong’, an interdisciplinary arts exchange project between practitioners and theorists from the visual arts, urban studies and cultural policy between Vienna and Hong Kong. The project took place in Vienna from Sep-Oct 2008 and in Hong Kong from Sep-Oct 2009. It moves to…

Hong Kong Intervention

The space of appearance: how can contemporary art represent the politicization of space by domestic workers in Hong Kong, and what political relevance do such art practices have? In 2009 artists Sun Yuan and Peng Yu exhibited the artwork Hong Kong Intervention at the Osage Gallery in Hong Kong. The artists had given each of…

Hands-on Urbanism

The spring show at the Architekturzentrum Wien (15 March – 25 June 2012) was dedicated to the history of the idea of appropriating land in urban space. Since the shockwave of modernisation that accompanied industrialisation towns and cities worldwide have had to face some very significant challenges, city-dwellers have always found a number of solutions in crisis…


Two travellers touring the Middle East are going to create 99 video postcards. They visit Egypt, Jordan and Israel via Cairo, Alexandria, Sinai, Agaba, Petra, Amman, Jerash, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The travellers are Stephane OLRY (author, director, actor) and Corine MIRET (actor, dancer).

Photographing Disappearance

Hong Kong is one of the word’s most photographed cities. It is not a matter of producing more or better photographs of Hong Kong, but of using the photograph as a means of seeing what is involved in looking at and thinking about the city. Text by Ackbar Abbas, photography by Jamila Ismail See: Projekt_Abbas_Hong…

We must construct as well as destroy

Consisting of photographic installations, lightboxes, print and sculpture the new body of work by Leung Chi Wo takes as its starting point, repaired bullet holes found in the Legislative Council Building. Built by English architect Aston Webb, the building is Neoclassical in style and one of the few remaining colonial structures in Hong Kong; the…

Stag. Carry – sit – interact

  “STAG IT!”, trailer of Stag in Hong Kong, a documentary written and directed by Isabelle Mayor from Isabelle Mayor on Vimeo. In the narrow streets of Hong Kong, Geraldine and Caroline are producing the « stag», a street mobile piece of furniture that merges a stool and a bag with Mr Tang and the couple Chan, old local…

Liquid Borders

Hong Kong and Mainland China are physically separated by the Shenzhen River and a great wall of wired fencing. South to the border are restricted zones known as the Frontier Closed Area. Entry into the Frontier Closed Area without an official permit is strictly forbidden. In October 2005, the then chief executive Donald Tsang announced…

The conductor’s fear of the violinist

Die Videoinstallation basiert auf der filmischen Dokumentation einer Performance. Mario Marchisella spielt, gekleidet im klassischen Anzug eines Orchestermusikers, mitten auf einer Strassenkreuzung in Johannesburg ein Geigenkonzert. Die Kreuzung ist Knotenpunkt eines lebhaften Taxihafens, in dem einzelne Taxichauffeure die anderen Fahrer in einer individuellen Zeichensprache durch den chaotischen Verkehr lotsen. Durch die Gegenüberstellung der Aufnahmen der…

Upon the escalator

  In the space with high pedestrian flow in the city, there is full of delicate communication between people. Artist reconstructs the relationship upon the escalators and the story of people by 3 video channels abreast. Different numbers of people, movements, and ups and downs are strewn at random through time and space. Strangers that…

To leave 2cm3 for myself

  To leave 2cm3 for myself from Tang Kwok-hin on Vimeo. Walking on Canton*, along the road leading to the promenade, turning left until the end, an aimless run is around Tsim Sha Tsui East. Slightly wiping sweat with a handkerchief, squeezing it to drop the sweat into a glass bottle, the sweat is condensed and formed a 2cm3…

Whose Utopia

Filmed over the course of six months, Cao Fei’s Whose Utopia? is a twenty minute video made at the OSRAM China Lighting Ltd. in China’s Pearl River Delta. The film is intended to be viewed as part of a larger installation called Utopia Factory, which contains separate spaces that represent different aspects of everyday life…

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