Author: katjaglaess

To push or not to push?

Katherine Patio Miranda
To push or not to push? Combat Lesson
2014 / installation

To push or not to push?

Life seems as an effort to get somewhere, to attain something or to simply get things done. Our natural instinct is to apply an effort to deal with things. As long as there are two forces in opposition, there will be conflict. When the two forces are brought into one, the conflict is resolved.

Exhibition view:

Xavier Le Roy

Xavier Le Roy Product of circumstances http://www.xavierleroy.com/page.php?sp=b484c7a5657f9135a4743af6cf4b70a038ffd7f1&lg=en PRODUCT OF OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES (2009) From and by: Xavier Le Roy Production: Le Kwatt Coproduction: Le muse de la danse – Rennes Thanks to: Boris Charmatz, PAF (performing arts forum) In October 2009, after an email exchange (read here after), Xavier Le Roy created a performance titled Xavier makes someRebutoh.…

Textauszug von Barthes “Das Reich der Zeichen”

“Die Strassen dieser Stadt haben keine Namen. Wohl gibt es eine geschriebene Adresse, aber die hat ausschliesslich postalische Bedeutung; sie bezieht sich auf ein Kataster (nach Vierteln und Blocks ohne jede Geometrie), das der Postbote kennt, nicht aber der Besucher: Die groesste Stadt der Welt besitzt praktisch keine Klassifizierung; die Raeume aus denen sie besteht,…

Critical Review “Globalisierung als visuelles Phänomen”

The imaged society or the role of image and image production in a postmodern, global society/community   About In the essay “Globalisierung als visuelles Phänomen” Patrizial Faccioli questions the role of images in the production of individual and common identity in postmodern, global societies. Patrizia Faccioli is associate professor of sociology at the University of…

Architecture of Transgression

The Architecture of Transgression AD Rachel Sara, Jonathan Mosley ISBN: 978-1-118-36179-5 136 pages November 2013 Transgression suggests operating beyond accepted norms and radically reinterpreting practice by pushing at the boundaries of both what architecture is, and what it could or even should be. The current economic crisis and accompanying political/social unrest has exacerbated the difficulty into…

Urban Intervention: A Reclaimed Parking Spot

Urban Intervention: A Reclaimed Parking Spot

Green Corner, a collaboration between Helsinki-based artists Otto Karvonen and Jon Irigoyen are installing a grass turf lawn in a parking space creating a temporary park, the are calling it “urban intervention” that brings up questions of ownership and use in public spaces.


Straight forward transformation of reality

Adam Magyar photographer has been experimenting with slit-scan photography, basically he is scanning metro cars and crowded places in big cities all around the world. In his latest work he is using a special slow motion camera with alterations from a moving metro to capture the life of the subway. The video is explaining the…

Kacey Wong (As a visual Artist )

Kacey Wong‘s experimental art project investigates the space between men and their living environment with a social intention. He think being an artist is similar to being a detective, the case on hand is to investigate the self. Kacey was born in Hong Kong in 1970. He was the winner of 2012 HK Contemporary Arts…

Glitch the map

Apple iOS Maps app is no good for practical reasons but making random artistic glitches. What is creating the futuristic effect is pictures mapped onto a 3D topography, some structures are too complex for the app‘s algorithms to handle. Peder Norrby (graphics company Trapcode) has collected the many failures on the Apple’s Maps app into…

Review on Glocalization as Globalization: Evolution of a Sociological Concept

Review on Habibul Haque Khondker’s article  Glocalization as Globalization: Evolution of a Sociological Concept (Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology, Vol. 1. No.2. July, 2004 ) Some see globalisation as a devestating notion, other see it as economical accretion and modernization. In social sience globalisation as a notion has a short history. Globalisation as a term came…

Tan Dun’s Water Passion after St. Matthew

Globalization is one of the most controversial issues to be debated in the humanities and social sciences today. Whether seen as a set of cultural processes or economic complexes, this phenomenon is considered by many theorists to be characterized chiefly by sustained and regular exchanges that forge interdependencies and a sense of interconnectivity on a…

Audio – Zusammenfassung zum Sammelband “Theorien der Passivität”

http://www.srf.ch/player/radio/kontext/audio/passivitaet-–-mehr-als-nichtstun?id=460c47b3-6cd6-46f2-ba9d-5446d9a3cc69 Jahrhundertelang bevorzugte die Philosophie das «mächtige Subjekt», den handelnden Menschen. In jüngerer Zeit lässt sich ein Umschwung feststellen: Die Passivität erfährt mehr Wertschätzung. Alles galt als machbar, der handelnde Mensch als seines Glückes Schmied. Doch nicht nur die Titelfigur in Herman Melvilles «Bartleby der Schreiber» hat den modernen Zwang zur Aktivität unterlaufen, auch in…

Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) The HKADC is the main Hong Kong Government agency responsible for the arts and arts grants in Hong Kong. For anyone looking to get a better picture of the Hong Kong arts scene, the Resources page is very useful: http://www.hkadc.org.hk/en/content/web.do?page=resources01 Note though that because the HKADC is a government…

Asia Art Archive

Asia Art Archive (AAA) The Blurb: Through collecting and making information on the recent history of contemporary art in Asia easily accessible, Asia Art Archive aims to facilitate understanding, research, and writing in the field, enrich existing global narratives, and re-imagine the role of the archive. AAA is a point of convergence for critical thinking…

Cities of Desire

This catalogue is produced together with ‘Cities of Desire: Vienna – Hong Kong’, an interdisciplinary arts exchange project between practitioners and theorists from the visual arts, urban studies and cultural policy between Vienna and Hong Kong. The project took place in Vienna from Sep-Oct 2008 and in Hong Kong from Sep-Oct 2009. It moves to…

Hong Kong Intervention

The space of appearance: how can contemporary art represent the politicization of space by domestic workers in Hong Kong, and what political relevance do such art practices have? In 2009 artists Sun Yuan and Peng Yu exhibited the artwork Hong Kong Intervention at the Osage Gallery in Hong Kong. The artists had given each of…

Hands-on Urbanism

The spring show at the Architekturzentrum Wien (15 March – 25 June 2012) was dedicated to the history of the idea of appropriating land in urban space. Since the shockwave of modernisation that accompanied industrialisation towns and cities worldwide have had to face some very significant challenges, city-dwellers have always found a number of solutions in crisis…


Two travellers touring the Middle East are going to create 99 video postcards. They visit Egypt, Jordan and Israel via Cairo, Alexandria, Sinai, Agaba, Petra, Amman, Jerash, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The travellers are Stephane OLRY (author, director, actor) and Corine MIRET (actor, dancer).

Photographing Disappearance

Hong Kong is one of the word’s most photographed cities. It is not a matter of producing more or better photographs of Hong Kong, but of using the photograph as a means of seeing what is involved in looking at and thinking about the city. Text by Ackbar Abbas, photography by Jamila Ismail See: Projekt_Abbas_Hong…

We must construct as well as destroy

Consisting of photographic installations, lightboxes, print and sculpture the new body of work by Leung Chi Wo takes as its starting point, repaired bullet holes found in the Legislative Council Building. Built by English architect Aston Webb, the building is Neoclassical in style and one of the few remaining colonial structures in Hong Kong; the…

Stag. Carry – sit – interact

  “STAG IT!”, trailer of Stag in Hong Kong, a documentary written and directed by Isabelle Mayor from Isabelle Mayor on Vimeo. In the narrow streets of Hong Kong, Geraldine and Caroline are producing the « stag», a street mobile piece of furniture that merges a stool and a bag with Mr Tang and the couple Chan, old local…

Liquid Borders

Hong Kong and Mainland China are physically separated by the Shenzhen River and a great wall of wired fencing. South to the border are restricted zones known as the Frontier Closed Area. Entry into the Frontier Closed Area without an official permit is strictly forbidden. In October 2005, the then chief executive Donald Tsang announced…

The conductor’s fear of the violinist

Die Videoinstallation basiert auf der filmischen Dokumentation einer Performance. Mario Marchisella spielt, gekleidet im klassischen Anzug eines Orchestermusikers, mitten auf einer Strassenkreuzung in Johannesburg ein Geigenkonzert. Die Kreuzung ist Knotenpunkt eines lebhaften Taxihafens, in dem einzelne Taxichauffeure die anderen Fahrer in einer individuellen Zeichensprache durch den chaotischen Verkehr lotsen. Durch die Gegenüberstellung der Aufnahmen der…

Upon the escalator

  In the space with high pedestrian flow in the city, there is full of delicate communication between people. Artist reconstructs the relationship upon the escalators and the story of people by 3 video channels abreast. Different numbers of people, movements, and ups and downs are strewn at random through time and space. Strangers that…

To leave 2cm3 for myself

  To leave 2cm3 for myself from Tang Kwok-hin on Vimeo. Walking on Canton*, along the road leading to the promenade, turning left until the end, an aimless run is around Tsim Sha Tsui East. Slightly wiping sweat with a handkerchief, squeezing it to drop the sweat into a glass bottle, the sweat is condensed and formed a 2cm3…

Whose Utopia

Filmed over the course of six months, Cao Fei’s Whose Utopia? is a twenty minute video made at the OSRAM China Lighting Ltd. in China’s Pearl River Delta. The film is intended to be viewed as part of a larger installation called Utopia Factory, which contains separate spaces that represent different aspects of everyday life…


Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-21 um 13.45.06

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