Market Place Electro

Shiyu Gao
Market Place Electro
2014 / 1-channel video, sound

In transforming daily images of a meat market into some hyper-techno digitized visual stimulus, the video explores the possibilities of image, and puts the discourse of daily life into the contemporary context. The violence of a meat market somehow matches the ear-punching electronic music, which is only possible in the age of modern science and technology.
Sound track credit: Ryoji Ikeda

Exhibition view:

Diplomausstellung Master Transdisziplinarität 2014Diplomausstellung Master Transdisziplinarität 2014Diplomausstellung Master Transdisziplinarität 2014

Shiyu Gao, born in 1988. Living and working in Hong Kong and Shanghai, China, she is an artist engaged with medium such as photography and video installation. She is now a MFA candidate in The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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